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March 13, 2023

Welcome to The Purpose Edge Podcast!

Welcome to The Purpose Edge Podcast!

Hi there and welcome to The Purpose Edge podcast where we gather insights from the career and life stories of inspiring guests to help you find meaning, purpose and live a fulfilling life.

Why seek a purpose edge?

From my work I've noticed that finding meaning and purpose isn't formulaic. We all have different backgrounds, strengths, influences and things going on in our lives, however we can learn from others to improve our focus, direction and impact.

In short, I love helping people and organisations focus on purpose to maximise their performance and impact, and that's why I've started this podcast series.

Near the end of each episode you get a summary of key takeaways, however each story is incredibly rich so I encourage you to find out for yourself.

You can contact me directly if you want to provide feedback or suggest a future guest.

Yours on Purpose

Phil Preston

Purpose Speaker, Author & Adviser

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